Today I heard that small voice again, the gentle whisper, as I was driving home from work.  Praise God that he forgives our failures!  This time I did not hesitate to obey it.  “Call your brother Mike“, it said, “He needs to talk to you“.  I picked up the cell phone and called Mike.  No answer.  I left a message and said a quick prayer for him. 

A few hours later, Mike called me back.  He was working a double shift at work and still had several more hours to go.  He said everything was fine and we spoke briefly about plans for the Men’s Fraternity group we are having tomorrow.  He was busy at work and had to go.  He said he would call back when he got a chance.

Several hours went by before he finally got a chance to call.  It was 9:45 p.m. and he was just getting off work.  This time, the tone in his voice had changed.  Instead of the tired, preoccupied, frustration I had heard earlier, there was now a passion.  He said, “I have so many ideas swimming in my head right now.  I need to let them out”. 

Some background is needed here.  This past summer God gave me a clear vision of a ministry, His ministry, that he wants to create.  The ministry would impact the community and win many souls for His kingdom.  This vision was huge, grandiose, and far bigger than anything we could ever accomplish in our own power.  I was amazed and in awe of it.  I was also a little frightened.  I felt unworthy and unable to lead out in the way he was seemingly leading.  I was also afraid that somehow the idea came from my head and not from God.  I knew that if it came from me it would be doomed to failure.  This was the kind of God-sized endeavor that only He could pull off. 

I was reluctant to share it with anyone.  I briefly mentioned it to Mike and asked him to pray for God’s plan.  I knew that the plan needed him, or at least God had seemed to say that Mike would be a big part of bringing it into reality.  I didn’t tell Mike this.  I have rarely discussed it since then with anyone, although it has been on my mind frequently.  I was waiting for God to speak to others and confirm the vision.  But, God was clear to me that I needed to be willing to do this even if no one joined me.

Tonight my brother Mike poured out the ideas for a ministry that were floating around in his head.  I am not ready to talk about the details yet, since God is still showing us His plan.  But, they seemed to line up perfectly with the vision that God had given me months ago.  Conformation.  Mike even repeated the call from God to be willing to do it even if no one else joined! 

After we talked about this for some time, he asked, “What do you think the next step is?”  I said, “I believe the next step is prayer.  We need to make the first step prayer so God can show us the first step, because I have no idea!”  We agreed that we will have to get on our knees earnestly, passionately, and frequently until God does this, whatever it is.  This goes hand-in-hand with my commitment from earlier today, to increase my prayer (see previous post).  If God is going to do anything He will do it as an answer to the fervent prayer of His people, fully submitted to His will.

We are adamant that we will only pursue this mission as long as we are confident that is is God’s plan and not ours.  We have seen similar ventures fail because they were the creation of man and did not find their origin in the perfect mind of the Almighty God.  I firmly believe that I serve Jehovah Jireh, God our provider.  If this is truly His plan he will provide the seemingly insurmountable resources required to accomplish His purpose.

Tonight I read in Genesis, chapter 28, where Jacob lays down with his head on a rock and receives a vision from God.  God showed Jacob a glimpse of His plan, what He wanted to do through Jacob and his family.  The is the covenant that God first made with Abraham.  When Jacob awakes, his response is to consecrate the place and make a vow to the Lord.  He promises God that he will make him his God and serve Him his whole life (with his family and all that he owns) as long as God promises to protect him on the journey he is about to undertake and to provide food and clothing for him and his family. 

Tonight I want to make a similar vow with God in response to the vision that he has given me of what his plan is:

God my father, all that I have is yours to use for your glory and to further your kingdom.  I will go wherever and do whatever you want me to do.  Use me in whatever way serves your supreme will the best.  I know that I am yours.  I have been bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus.  I know and believe that you want the best for me and my family’s lives.  I trust that you will provide for our needs like you promised in Philippians 4:19.  I consecrate, set aside, and designate my family for your plan.  May you lead us and help us to lead others in your way.  May the light of our lives (your light) so shine that others see you in us and glorify you.  May I never serve in my power, but solely rely on your Holy Spirit to draw men to you.  Empower us to do your work, and show us your plan.  Amen.